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Poster: Biology & Disease Mgmt: Biological Control


Protection of wheat against Zymoseptoria tritici using sugar beet extract-based resistance inducers
A. SIAH (1), S. MEJRI (2), A. GHINET (3), B. RIGO (3), C. ABUHAIE (3), M. MAGNIN-ROBERT (4), B. RANDOUX (4), P. REIGNAULT (4), P. HALAMA (2) (1) Institut Charles Viollette (EA 7394), Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture, France; (2) Institut Charles Viollette

In the current context of sustainable agriculture, the use of resistance inducers (RIs) is a promising approach to control crop diseases. A total of 73 putative RIs, including sugar beet (SB) extract-based products, phytohormones, vitamins, and amino acid-based RIs, such as GABA and BABA, were assessed for their efficacy on wheat against Zymoseptoria tritici, a major pathogen on this crop. The experiments were performed in the greenhouse using third-leaf stage plants of the susceptible cv. Alixan treated with each putative RI using foliar application two days before inoculation with the pathogenic strain T02596. Disease symptom scoring three weeks post-inoculation revealed significant reductions of leaf chlorosis and necrosis as well as sporulation (pycnidial density) in plants treated with saccharine, salicylic acid, abscisic acid, GABA, BABA, vitamins C and BX, probenazole and 33 SB extract-based RIs, such as RI2474, which was the most efficient molecule (up to 71 % disease reduction). Among the 73 tested molecules, 25 displayed an in vitro inhibiting effect on Z. tritici growth. The three most efficient SB extract-based RIs without biocide effect, including RI2474, were selected in order to improve their efficacy by optimizing the dose, the formulation and application conditions. In addition, cytological, biochemical and molecular approaches will be set up to identify the plant defense mechanisms involved in the protection conferred by the three selected RIs.