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Poster: Biology & Disease Mgmt: Integrated Pest Mgmt


Control of tulip mild mottle mosaic disease and tulip streak disease based on soil diagnostic
M. KAZUMI (1) (1) Toyama Prefectural Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center, Japan

Tulip mild mottle mosaic disease, cause of Tulip mild mottle mosaic virus, TMMMV and Tulip streak disease, cause of Tulip streak virus, TuSV transmitted by Olpidium virulentus cause chronic damage and become one of the factors of avolition on produce of tulip bulb in Toyama, Japan. The management of both viral diseases depends on use of fungicide, a fertilizing efficiency-control type fertilizer and cultivation of late time. However, it is necessary to choose the appropriate control measures according to the level of both viral disease occurrence risks on farmer’s field. In this study, we developed management of both viral disease consisting of risk evaluation of both viral diseases on tulip field by the quantification of TMMMV and TuSV from soil using real-time PCR, evaluation of individual control measures for both viral diseases by meta-analysis and selection of appropriate control measures according to the level of both viral diseases occurrence risks on tulip field.