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2014 APS Annual Meeting Abstract


Oral Technical Session: Disease Control and Pest Management


Use of Bacillus mycoides isolate J induced resistance in IPM programs.
B. J. JACOBSEN (1), S. C. Ockey (2), H. B. Highland (3), M. B. Dimock (4)
(1) Montana State Univ, Bozeman, MT, U.S.A.; (2) Certis USA, Yakima, WA, U.S.A.; (3) Certis USA, Nokomis, FL, U.S.A.; (4) Certis USA, Columbia, MD, U.S.A.

Bacillus mycoides isolate J (BmJ) induced resistance provides control of bacterial, fungal, oomycete and viral pathogens on a wide range of crop plants. BmJ induced resistance is signaled through the NPR -1 gene and involves several PR proteins and ethylene. Optimal systemic resistance induction occurs 3-5 days after application and provides disease control for 14-21 days depending on the plant induced. BmJ is compatible with a wide range of pesticides including; triazole, EDBC, and QoI class fungicides and a wide range of insecticides. Disease control equal to commercial standards has been achieved with BmJ alone or in combination with low rates of fungicides or in alternating programs where BmJ replaces half the fungicide used in fungicide alone programs. BmJ has also been demonstrated to be of benefit to triazole and QoI fungicide resistance management programs in Cercospora leaf spot of sugarbeet control programs. BmJ used in combination with insecticides and roquing has produced >50% control of potato PVY in multiple years in the field. Data will be presented for disease control of cucurbit crops, tomato, pepper, potato, pecans, spinach, lettuce and sugarbeet with comparisons to commercial pesticide standards. Control of postharvest diseases using preharvest application will be discussed. BmJ is licensed to CERTIS USA by Montana State University. Registration materials have been submitted to the USEPA and OMRI certification is expected.

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