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2011 APS Annual Meeting Abstract


Diversity of plant pathogenic fungi associated with native Amazon forest species
G. B. SILVA (1), D. C. Lustosa (2), K. L. Nechet (3), C. S. Conceição (1), J. F. Silva (1), M. J. Rego (1), M. B. Pantoja (1)
(1) UFRA, Belem, BRAZIL; (2) Ufopa, Santarem, BRAZIL; (3) Embrapa, Jaguariuna, BRAZIL
Phytopathology 101:S166

There is growing demand for native plant species for reforesting in Amazon region and as a result the number of nurseries have increased. The incidence of leaf diseases are the major limiting factors for the successful raising of nurseries. The main objective of this investigation was to identify associated microorganisms and fungal pathogens causing leaf spots on native forest species of Amazon. The plants showing symptoms were collected during 2007–2009 in the nurseries of Urucu- Coari- AM/Petrobrás. The samples were kept in humid chamber and later isolations of fungi were made by direct and indirect methods. Sixteen fungi associated with disease symptoms were identified. Of these, 10 fungal pathogens were identified based on the pathogenicity tests. All fungi including pathogenic ones belong to group mitosporico, 44% being Hyphomycetes and 56% Coelomycetes. The most frequent genera were Pestalotiopsis (21,4%), Colletotrichum (17,9%), Beltrania (10,7%), Curvularia (7%), Heterocephalum (3,6%), Phomopsis (3,6%), Stachylidium (3,6%), Bipolaris (3,6%), Lasiodiplodia (3,6%), Cytosporella (3,6%), Phyllosticta (3,6%), Meliola (3,6%), Myrothecium (3,6%) e Wardomyces (3,6%). Colletotrichum sp. and Lasiodiplodia theobromae were pathogenic to Bellucia grossularioides. In Euterpe precatoria the lesions were caused by Colletotrichum sp. and Pestalotiopsis sp. The leaf spots in Aniba rosaeodora were caused by Mirotecium.

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